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Awesome retros for your team!

What is RetroIs.Love?

A good retro is super important for a healthy team and a good performance. We never found a tool which was just right for us. So we build it ourselves!

Remote, Hybrid, Office.

It can be hard to include everybody. RetroIs.Love creates an environment where everybody can express their thoughts - from everywhere.

Fits your team

Every team is different. Every team needs a retro that fits. With RetroIs.Love you can adjust every aspect or use a handcrafted template.

Keep everyone engaged

Get attention throughout the meeting! RetroIs.Love motivates with ever changing activities, fun mechanisms, individual content, useful features and visible results.


Fancy tools are nice, but even the fanciest tool can't give back the time a retro takes. RetroIs.Love keeps it as effiecent as you prefer maximizing findings per minutes.

With love...

The step from ok-ish to awesome sometimes just takes breeze of love. But preparation takes time. RetroIs.Love helps agile coaches and even allows you to share your love, if you want.

Also love a good retro?

RetroIs.Love is not quite ready for the public yet. But it is already usable and fun. We are looking for teams helping us shape the details and therefore putting even more love into the package!

Sounds interesting?

1. How does it work?
RetroIs.Love is a web app. The moderator opens the web app on a big screen, starts the retro and shares it. Everybody else can connect with their devices (regardless of mobile or desktop) and participate.
2. Should I join using my mobile?
Yes, it is recommended that most participants join with their mobile. This will turn your mobile into sticky notes, a scribble pad, a voting machine and much more. Only the moderator has to use a desktop at the moment to start, share and navigate through the retro.
3. Is it possible to manage multiple teams?
It will be. Our team management features will allow you to manage multiple teams, prepare and schedule retros, track results and much more.
4. What does it cost?
During the current development phase it's free. After version 1 is done, you will need a small subscription per team, if you want to use team managment, templating and other awesome features. Using RetroIs.Love for one-shot retros will stay free.